Sensitive Blueprint Stress Busters
Do you feel fear in your guts when you wake up in the morning? Worry that there is something you did or may do that may bring about an unwanted reality? If so, you may have [...]
Finding Health and Happiness Part 5
Nature's symmetry and balance is Sattwa. When we appreciate it we experience Sattwa, bliss. Here is a quick review from the last post... There are three forces which create our reality. Rajas: force [...]
Finding Health and Happiness Part 4
Part 4: Where Happiness is NOT; Life Forces and their actions. Ayurveda and Yoga philosophy describe three forces which maintain life. These forces create all form and energy. They are called Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. [...]
Finding Health And Happiness Part 3
Did you ever notice that when you were happiest, you felt a sense of unity? A feeling of one-ness with your loved one, or your laughing child, or an awesome sunset. A sense of safety, [...]
Health and Happiness: Where You Find Happiness Part 2
Part 2: Why avoiding unhappiness does not bring us health and happiness. There is a danger. You react, go into survival mode, and the fight/flight/freeze autonomic nervous system is activated to get you out of [...]
Health and Happiness: Where We Find Happiness
So happy! Health and Happiness: Where You Find Happiness. Part 1: How we avoid unhappiness. Did you know you have a Blueprint? One of the effects of [...]