How to boost immunity with Ojas
Do you feel like your life is constant stress? Do you catch one cold after another? Do you find yourself going to your doctor more than your friends? If this is you, I [...]
Vietnam, October 2018
Why was I in Vietnam? I was anxious to revisit the country where I was a War Correspondent in 1969 and I had been invited to teach at Sivananda Yoga Resort in Dalat, Vietnam. Although [...]
Goals vs Expectations
We are taught to set goals, which we hope to reach, and then we then form emotional attachments to the outcomes. The goals form a structure of stability which we can make plans around, which [...]
How To Have Shining Skin and Feel Slim with Ayurveda
Shining Skin. Sharon belonged to the “beautiful people” clique at Willow Glen High School in 1962. These girls looked wealthier and more sophisticated and beautiful than the rest of us. I was part [...]
How To Decide
Which is the best? I hate indecision--the mind spinning like a top, touching on this possibility, then that one. It drains one’s energy, and then with less energy it become harder to focus. [...]
Whew, it’s hot!
I overheated in the middle of a hot, sweaty tennis tournament. I was in San Jose, CA in 100 degree hot and humid noonday sun. My body was used to the cool breezes of Santa Cruz. [...]