Young Girl Talking On The Telephone And Using A Notebook Computer     Do you feel like your life is constant stress? Do you catch one cold after another? Do you find yourself going to your doctor more than your friends? If this is you, I would like to share how Ojas gets reduced and why it is important to have high Ojas.

The concept of Ojas is similar to the concept of the immune system in western science. Ojas is latent energy that turns into matter when the body is under stress. It is like the energy in a car battery that activates when you start the engine. The more Ojas you have, the healthier you stay.

Sometimes we have more stress than usual. For example, your child is running into the street and you have to use super-human strength to rush out and grab him in front of the huge semi truck that is about to hit him. You used a lot of energy in this action. In fact, you went into your reserves, to save him. Afterwards you are exhausted. You might be shaking, unable to move. Your body used up its stored energy and there is none left. It needs to regenerate it. To rest and regenerate.

If you rest, eat well, sleep well, your energy reserves or ojas builds back up. But sometimes there is no rest time.

Ayurveda, anger, stress, depression

When the mind fluctuates, back and forth, up and down and what if’s and dire outcomes flood the mind with stressful images, this internal emotional stress depletes the Ojas.

As Ojas is the subtle energy in Kapha dosha, the key to increasing Ojas and your immune strength is to increase Kapha in a balanced way. And avoid increasing Vata.

How to increase Ojas: Avoid under-eating, eating too much raw, dry, astringent food, eating, sleeping and eliminating haphazardly, not in a natural pattern. Also, white-hot anger and chronic anxiety increase Vata and decrease Ojas..

To stay healthy and have a strong immune system, keep your Ojas high.  Ayurveda says you should: relax, accept whatever the day/year/life brings; eat warm, cooked, soupy foods on a regular schedule, exercise daily, remove waste materials (bowel movement) once a day and be asleep by 10 pm. Listen to your body and heed its natural rhythms.

Stress depletes Ojas, so don’t sweat the small stuff…and everything is small stuff!


Ayurvedic massage and bodywork and Pancha Karma detox bring profound rest and healing while increasing Ojas. To find out what we offer at Lotus, check out the rest of our website.  Call for more information. 831-566-0735.