On warm, sunny summer days I feel energized and can’t wait to jump out of bed early in the morning. Now that there is a chill in the air and the dry leaves are falling, the sun comes up later and I don’t want to get out of bed in the cold and dark. So I go back to sleep. Which increases Kapha, so that when I get up I feel sluggish, depressed. This is not a good Ayurvedic thing to do.

What to do?

According to Ayurveda, in the Fall excess heat from the summer (Pitta) stored in our bodies starts to create Pitta imbalances. Some signs of excess Pitta are more acidity, acid indigestion, irritability, mood swings, depression, increase in aches and pains, more dryness and absentmindedness.

We need to get rid of the excess Pitta. Just cooling down doesn’t help—that can cause Vata to come up with anxiety and aches and pains and poor sleep. At this conjunction of Pitta and Vata, Summer and Winter, we are prone to the imbalances of both!

What can we do?

1— Make sure digestion and elimination are working properly. (a free 15 minute consult with Cynthia can give some insights—831-566-0735)

2— Don’t eat a lot of hot spicy or fried foods. Stop eating summer food like salads, fruits and smoothies. Eat warm, soupy, oily foods with enough protein, fat/oil, carbs and vegetables.

3—Make sure you are getting sound sleep. Be asleep by 10 pm, before Pitta is active in the body (10-2). If you are awake when Pitta is active, after 10 pm, you will get revved up and not be ready to slow down and sleep until nearly 2 am. Get out of bed as soon as you wake up in the morning. Meditate, do yoga, exercise first thing.

4—Do a mini Detox (instructions are in my book Know Your Blueprint

 5—Or sign up for a five day deluxe nurturing Pancha Karma detox at Lotus Holistic Health Institute. Call for more information and dates.(831-566-0735)

Do you have a secret for transitioning from Summer to Winter? Comment below!