I don’t know if you’ve ever felt low energy or depressed, but I was probably low-level depressed my whole life. As a child, I worked hard to do everything right so my parents would love and approve of me and I was afraid if I wasn’t perfect I would be abandoned, criticized, shunned by everyone that mattered (like teachers, friends). I  thought it would be almost criminal to be less than perfect.

One time at my childhood family dinner table I complained about the food and my father yelled at me in front of everyone, saying “If you keep complaining I’ll throw you out on the street and you’ll be alone and nobody will care for you. You don’t know how good you have it in this family.” I became terrified of being abandoned. I stopped saying what I thought.

Pretending to be perfect was exhausting! It took all of my focus and energy.

Because inside I was actually fiery, opinionated, pissed off and scared.

Ayurveda says if one’s fire, one’s Pitta Dosha, especially one’s fire in the belly, (the microbiome or Jethragni) is suppressed, it provokes Vata and Kapha. Provoked Vata is the source of anxiety and fear, excess Kapha puts out the fire and promotes weight gain and depression. Anxiety and depression have a root in suppressed Pitta.

The solution to depression and anxiety is to express one’s true nature. Expressing our true nature is essential to achieve balance, energy, positive thoughts. I have worked my whole life to restore my original Pitta nature, speak my mind, set boundaries and use my fire to help others restore theirs!

Book: Know Your Blueprint

This year I am creating an online course based on my book,  Know Your Blueprint: The Ayurvedic Secret To Restoring Your Vitality in 30 Days.

Let me know  below if you’d like to be on the waitlist to find out about it!