Clutter seems to show up when we’re looking the other way. The unopened mail is just one letter, tossed on the counter to deal with “later,” and the next time you notice, it’s part of a stack. The dish in the sink somehow turns into a pile of dishes, and there are piles of stuff in your room. Important stuff.

To de-clutter is to restore trust. Trust that if you need something later, you will be able to receive it. You don’t need to store things– new things will come into your life as you need them.

Yoga by the water, perfect at the end of summer.

Yoga by the water,

What are you ignoring when you ignore the piles? For me, it is my storehouse of fears: that I’m not enough, that I will fail, that I don’t know what I am doing. In ignoring my clutter, I am ignoring those fears.

“Face, fight and finish” is what Babaji taught. Deal with our own inner “stuff.” It won’t go away until we do.

Take one step. Give one thing to Goodwill. Clean up one little area. It takes a weight off our mind and creates space for something new.