Scroll down for details about my Book Event.
Now that the season is changing, it’s a perfect time to make some changes and go out and experience something new!

Yoga by the water, perfect at the end of summer.
According to, Ayurveda at the start of a new season we should remove the toxins that have accumulated in the previous season. Now, in late August, as Fall is on its way, we have accumulated excess heat/Pitta.
Several ways to purge the Pitta toxins (excess heat, irritability, inflammation) are:
–being in or near water
–eating okra and bitter melon (cooked foods in general)
–focusing on setting goals for the new year.
My new book can help you focus and attain new goals!
You are invited to my talk at East West Bookshop in Mountain View on Tuesday, August 30, at 7:30 pm entitled “Why Weight Loss is Not About Weight” to announce the publication of my book, “Know Your Blueprint: The Ayurvedic Secret to Restoring Your Vitality and Passion in 30 Days.”
Please RSVP by calling East West Bookshop at: 650-988-9800
East West Bookshop
324 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
For more information go to my website